Pénz: 116580
Signature:White Noise, Olympic Slam, Boom Drop, Full Nelson Drop, Clothesline From Hell, R.O.Powerslam, R.O.DDT, Spinebuster, Proto Bomb, Irish Course Backbreaker, Body Slam, Old School, Superplex, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Shawn Michaels Diving Elbow Drop, Big Upper Cut The Undertaker Suicide Dive, German Suplex, Inverted Backbreaker, Winds of Change, Disaster Kick, Fame Asser, Spinout Powerslam, Foot Stomp, Fallaway Slam, Superman Punch, Cesaro Swing, Neckbreaker, Avalanche Sitout Powerslam, Inverted Powerslam, Gutwrench Powerbomb, Roman Reigns Dropkick, Fallaway Slam
Submission:Sharpshooter, Kimura, Hell's Gate, Vice Grip, Anaconda Vise, STFU, Master Lock, LeBell Lock, Patriot Lock, STFU
Finisher:Shell Shocked, Clash of Titus, World's Strongest Slam, WMD, Tombstone, Spear, Batista Bomb, Stone Cold Stunner, Book of Ezekiel, Pedigree, Dragon Strike, Hybrid Facebuster, F-5, Homicidal Kick, Rock Bottom, People's Elbow, Running Knee, AA, Punt Kick, GTS, RKO
Comeback:Edge Comeback, Randy Orton Comeback, The Undertaker Comeback, Sheamus Comeback, John Cena Comeback
Különleges Mozdulatok:4, 7, 11, 14, 1
Szlogen:Feed Me More!
Becenév:The Big Guy
Hivatalos Twitter oldal:@Ryback22
Karrier történet: Hardcore bajnok, az első WWE Hardcore bajnok